From pollution… to PARADISE!
“Altering your Perception of Waste”
In terms of establishing and maintaining a lasting legacy of economic and environmental altruism… Balboa Pacific Corporation is devoted to playing its part in achieving a global economic and environmental circularity of vision.
This circularity of vision is globally embraced and includes as a goal:
zero greenhouse gas emissions
zero waste to landfills
zero ocean dumping
clean renewable energy
Our vision of such an economy and environment is one based on sustainable actions, mainly focused on offsetting by as much as possible the greenhouse gases previously produced in the global production chain, while at the same time eliminating landfill and ocean dumping. This is accomplished after the life-cycle of products have reached their end; we convert these non-recyclable, non-reusable end-of-life materials to their usable by-product constituents, which includes:
carbon black
gas and liquid fuels
steam used to generate electricity (up to ~90% efficient waste-to-energy)
Balboa Pacific Corporation is focused on the development of environmentally responsible waste processing systems. BPC’s extensive research and development has been in the area of pyrolytic gasification of organic [*] material resulting in the Bal-Pac Thermal Conversion Pyrolytic Gasification System… a continuous waste stream treatment system which causes the destructive distillation of organic material (whether toxic or non-toxic); thereby converting ~10% of the waste stream to non-toxic ash and ~90% to hot gases. The ash is 100% carbon char (aka biochar or carbon black, depending upon waste material converted, both of which are very useful products), and the hot gases can be used to generate electricity, thus… renewable waste-to-energy.
[* While inorganic materials could be put through the system, because they do not have any caloric value, they cannot be converted to electricity. They do not undergo destructive distillation. They are simply melted into their respective inert inorganic substances. If organic and inorganic materials are mixed, the inert inorganic substances exit with and detract from the value of the char.]
The end-point gas that escapes into the atmosphere is hot air lacking significant emissions (certified below industry standards by the US EPA and the Air Quality Management Division of Southern California – one of the most stringent air quality districts in the nation!). This hot air can be routed to any desired application including drying waste stream material if necessary, and in addition, the now airborne moisture can be put through an air-to-water machine to yield pure water (
BPC’s technology is applicable to water treatment, soil remediation, thermal conversion, heat recovery/electricity generation, and fuels recovery found in waste streams such as municipal waste, end-of-life plastics, and end-of-life tires. The fuel recovered can be used for heavy equipment or to fuel the System.
BPC Systems are are light and mobile… thus enabling us to provide disaster recovery – quickly and cleanly removing hazardous waste and also providing emergency power until local power returns.